
EveryDay Catholic Communities is a platform operated and managed by Everyday Christian Marketing LTD.

Please be aware that the community use is for adult membership over the age of 18 years.

Our marketing services include the provision of digital platforms, products and services to the Catholic Church, in the form of websites and digital communication channels. 

Policy statement

We believe that the practice of safeguarding is an absolute vital element of online community engagement, and that everyone has a God-given right to participate in an environment free from abuse, harm or neglect. Our Catholic Faith teaches us these very important principles, and we recognise our responsibilities  both morally and legally, especially when our work may involve,  or include  the most vulnerable in our society.  Within this document we set out the principles and measures we implement to ensure that the online community environment is a safe space for all community members. 

Our Policy sets out to apply the operational guidance as published by:

  • The Catholic guidelines and procedures as set out within the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency  -
  • UK Government Authorities


This policy relates to Everyday Catholic Community sponsors, volunteers and registered members who engage within the managed online community platform.


This policy aims to reassure members, volunteers and sponsors by bringing their attention to:   

  • The legislative authorities, and our responsibility for the safeguarding of members within our community
  • How we  implement procedures to ensure we fulfill our responsibilities
  • What to do or who to speak to if someone has a concern relating to the welfare or wellbeing of an member within the community 


All safeguarding responsibilities within the UK are published legislation supported by government guidance. These good practice principles are also reflected throughout the national policies and practices currently published by the Catholic Church guidance. 


Everyday Catholic Communities safeguarding policy embodies the following principles and practices

  • The welfare of the members, volunteers and sponsors whilst using the platform is paramount;.
  • We recognise that because of the impact of previous experiences, some members knowingly or unknowingly, may be deemed at risk. Therefore, appropriate safeguarding is needed to help those who may be  vulnerable within the communities environment
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded swiftly and appropriately.
  • Community volunteers and group leaders have a vital role in preventing, identifying, and reporting cases of abuse and neglect.  Everyday Catholic Communities has a key role in supporting the volunteers and groups in these activities.
  • Safeguarding should be delivered proportionally to the risks involved.
  • Safe codes of conduct should be followed and the suitability of staff and volunteers should be continually assessed to prevent the deployment of unsuitable individuals.
  • Risk Assessments and moderation to be calendarised and actioned appropriately

Raising Safeguarding Concerns

To contact our designated safeguarding representative and supporting team, please email

All concerns will be referred to the appropriate mechanisms and channels as below;  Everyday Catholic Communities will never attempt to resolve incidents internally.

Reporting Abuse

If you are concerned that an individual is at risk of harm, please call the police. If they are in immediate danger, call 999

If you are involved in any capacity within the Catholic Church in England and Wales and need to report any allegations, please refer them directly to your diocese's safeguarding office or religious congregation. Alternatively, you can contact the police.

For members of the public, please report allegations to the police and the safeguarding office in your relevant diocese. Locate the appropriate Diocesan safeguarding office on the CSSA website's links page using the interactive map at Contact details will be available when you click on the relevant area of the map. 

You can also reach (The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) by calling 020 7901 1920 or via email at


Please see the procedures adopted by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) - Everyday Catholic Communities seeks to adhere to all current guidelines for the UK.

A diagram of a company 's organizational structure
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